Grade Levels » Librarian » Librarian


Library Goals  

      The mission at JODLF Elementary is to empower students to become enthusiastic readers, information seekers, and creative problem solvers, prepared to participate in an evolving world. Through collaborative teaching, curriculum integration, and classroom support, we cultivate curious, independent, lifelong learners with the inquiry skills needed to be ethically responsible and successful in our global community. We equitably connect learners to diverse materials and learning opportunities in an environment that supports cooperation, collaboration, and a love of literature. 


Goal 1: to promote literacy and enjoyment of reading, viewing, and listening

Goal 2: to become self-directed learners through authentic opportunities

Goal 3: to collaborate with classroom teachers and support student achievement 

Goal 4: to provide leadership and expertise to empower students through the use of technology to create 21st century learners. 

      "Reading a book is a gift you can open again and again."-Garrison Keillor.


Karina Leal M.L.S.
MS Library Science
Judge Oscar De La Fuente
Phone (956) 361-6820 Ext 5012
Fax (956) 361-6828
Mrs. Leal